Friday, March 30, 2018

No reason to feel guilty.

When I was an active care-giver.  I tried not to be preoccupied. With care-giving. And with dementia. I mused about totally unrelated stuff. And went for long walks. For fresh air. And communion with Mother Nature. I reminded myself. To plug variety and balance into my life.  To take a break. To find reason to laugh. To not take life so seriously. It was too easy. To lament. To feel sorry for one’s self. Instead, I mused. About being blessed. And in love. Not only with dear Jeanne. But with life. To tell the truth. I’m having a rollicking good time. And I don’t feel the least bit guilty.  About being an optimist. In a world full of grumpy old pessimists. --Jim Broede

Upon entering another world.

I suspect. That those with dementia. Or signs of it forthcoming. Flock to Musings. More than to other forums. For good reason. It’s the least judgmental place to be. Where there’s some semblance of understanding. Away from traditional care-givers.  You are more likely to find poets and dreamers here. Just what you need. Upon entering another world. --Jim Broede

Staying on course.

I’m lucky. Being myself. As I am now. Rather than what I was. At another time. I’ve changed. In many ways. Remained the same, too. In other ways. I’m free. To make choices. To reminisce about yesteryear. Or about the future. But my reality is now. And I try to make the best of it. By living as I’ve defined myself. A romantic idealist, a spiritual free-thinker, a political liberal, a lover, a dreamer. Maybe it’s all pretend. But it feels real. Maybe that’s what counts. Savoring the moment. Whatever life brings. When I quit wanting life to last forever – well, that might signal the end. For now. I’m content to stay on course. In love. With life. --Jim Broede