Saturday, September 29, 2018

Getting around my death.

Can’t think of a more depressing thought. Than my own death. Unless I convince myself. That I’m destined to move on to another life. As a conscious disembodied spirit. Doesn’t have to be here on planet Earth. I’ll happily settle for another dimension. Some place even beyond my most vivid and wild imagination.  Where I can explore the profundity and freedom of spiritual life. Wow! In such an idyllic setting, I could live happily. Of course, I may discover complications. Such as a rigid spiritual political system. But I’m banking on spirits being above the political fray. With love being the spiritual world’s unabated life force. --Jim Broede

Getting my head screwed on.

Occasionally. I like to feel glum. It’s not good to feel exuberantly happy all the time. Better to go through down periods. For balance. To know what it’s like to be sad and disenchanted. Helps me to better understand. Not only myself. But other people. By experiencing many facets of life. Including the bad moods. Most of the time, I come across as a happy-go-lucky fellow. But hey, let it be known. I can be glum. In the long run, that makes me happy. Forces me. To get my head screwed on straight. --Jim Broede

On my short list of heroines.

I’m convinced. That many, many victims of sexual assault. Never come forward. Because of the gauntlet they must pass through. To obtain justice. Too many are ridiculed. And accused of lying. They are forced to go through emotional trauma. Again and again.  Often in public.  Robbed of privacy. And stigmatized. By the doubters. Making it difficult to get on with life. My sentiments are with Christine Blasey Ford. She’s a brave woman.  On my short list of heroines. --Jim Broede