Thursday, February 28, 2019

A path to societal destruction.

I’m thinking. That all we want from our leaders.  Is to be entertained.  To not be bored. Even if that means. Putting up with the ridiculous.  Yes. We are living in the age of the media. Being spoon fed. Not so much knowledge. Rather. Entertainment. We don’t elect reasoned leaders anymore. Instead, we go for the most unusual  and absurd candidates. Simply because they catch our fancy. Through the daily media. Doesn’t matter what they stand for. We don’t care. As long as they are entertaining. Able to hold our attention. Long enough to catch a sound bite. Crafted in an entertaining way. With an assist from captivating oddballs and freaks and clowns. Rising above the crowd. To achieve celebrity status.  Through a shallow media. More dedicated to entertainment. Than to educating and informing us. About real and pertinent issues. That’s the problem, folks. Not knowing. We are being led down a primrose path. To societal destruction. --Jim Broede

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Disguised as an honest man.

Been having dreams lately. Of having become a manipulator. A liar, too. A con man. Anything to get my way. I’m not kidding. It’s me in those dreams. Maybe I should call them nightmares. Makes me feel bad. That I have turned to evil deeds. Yes, I’ve become a politician. I’ll do anything to get my way. Even if it means no longer being me. I have lost the ability to be honest.  But then my conscience comes to the forefront. And I wake. Scared silly and feeling anxious. That I may be the real me. In that dream. A ruthless politician. Disguised as an honest man. --Jim Broede

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Beats shoveling political BS.

Don’t understand. Why some people. Take politics so seriously. Even by playing politics. For their entire lives. You’d think they would have something better to do. Imagine that. A lifetime in politics. What a waste.  Personally. I watch from the sidelines. And tell myself. I’m above all that political tomfoolery. Though I once ran for and got elected to the local school board.   To see what it would be like. And yes, it was entertaining. To dissect the minds. Of would-be politicians at the grassroots level.  Didn’t take long. For most of them to wise up.  And find more rewarding pursuits. Such as going home to rake the leaves and shovel the snow.  Sure beats shoveling political BS. --Jim Broede