Friday, February 17, 2017

Deep down. In my soul.

Always. I try to have something on my mind. A thought or two. Elusive thoughts. That come and go. Unless, of course, I sit down at my computer. And manipulate the keyboard. As I’m doing now. Often, it’s a form of psychotherapy.  Because I’m asking, ‘Why is this particular thought coming to mind?’ Maybe for no reason. But I’m free to find a reason.  By thinking some more. In essence, by letting my mind flow. And wander. From this thought. To another and another and another. An endless chain of thought. Not knowing where it’s taking me. That can be the thrilling part. Of a thoughtful journey. Yes. Yes. I’m blessed. With an imagination. Living proof. That I have control over mind. I can choose. To be happy. Or sad. But invariably, I pick the happy course. Because that’s the way I’m programmed. Deep down. In my soul. --Jim Broede

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