Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I find it easy to laugh.

I just refuse to be offended over humor. I like certain kinds of humor. Humor that some people find insensitive. And offensive. I think it's even all right to laugh over Alzheimer-related jokes. Unfortunately, some people lack a sense of humor, period. I like put-on humor. And some people take it so seriously. Makes me laugh. Even happens on the Alzheimer's message boards. And right here in this blog. In the comments section. Literary critic Norman Cousins wrote a book about how laughter cured him of a so-called incurable illness. He decided to watch videos of comedians and humorists. Day after day. From his hospital bed. Just immersed himself in bounteous laughter. And what do you know? It made him well again. When people poke fun at me or call me names, I find it easy to laugh. Because it's funny. Really funny. I can't take it seriously. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

"I like certain kinds of humor. Humor that some people find insensitive. And offensive."

Sums you up I think Mr Broede....sad

Anonymous said...

"And then after all of that, I try to find time to do evil things here. --"

Another look at your weird sense of humour.....sad

Anonymous said...

Posted May 29, 2007 09:23 AM
Yes, folks, I’ll be the first to apologize. The insensitivity we have reached on this forum over the past weekend has hit a new low. I never imagined that so many of us could become so hateful, so hurtful of each other. Whether it was intentional or unintentional makes no difference. It doesn’t speak well for us – the group that participated in this lambasting debacle. And that includes me. I’m ashamed of myself. Thoroughly ashamed. That I participated. It doesn’t speak well for me. We’ve shown in this public forum who we really are. Too many of us. Our hateful and unforgiving and insensitive sides. Yes, I deserve to be castigated for my role. For perpetuating some threads rather than pushing the ignore button myself. For that, I apologize. For my insensitivity, I apologize. For my insincerity, I apologize. As for the rest of you, if you feel blameless, so be it. Don’t apologize. I can’t do anything about that. But at least I can do the decent thing, the right thing. Yes, there’s plenty of insensitivity around here to go around. A heaping pile full of it. It’s appalling. Meanwhile, I’ll keep speaking for myself. Sensitively. Sincerely. I apologize. That’s going to ease my conscience. I’ll end the day feeling that I’m doing the right thing, which has always been my goal. --Jim

Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

To me, humor is never funny, if it is at someone else's expense.

Anonymous said...

Posted on his post (We Loved)

jstme said...
I just want to set the record straight. I am in NO way agreeing with Jim Broede. I simply wanted to express to him that not all caregivers are in his position. I was simply trying to get him to see that what worked for him in no way can work for everyone. Caregiving for a loved one with dementia is most likely the hardest job one will ever have to take on.
I am deeply saddened on how Jim continues to try and hurt those people from the Alz site. He will claim he is doing no such thing but those of us looking on know differently. (minus a few)
Good luck Jim, God bless you. Your love for Jeanne was remarkable, its a shame you feel the need to hurt others. I also see the very next post from you states .........

I've gotta give a woman named Bonnie (a regular on the Alzheimer's message board) credit for not coming to my blog. By ignoring it up to this point. That's a wise decision. That's how one becomes a recovering Broedeaholic. One leaves the booze -- er, I mean Broede alone. You don't come back to him. You ignore him. If a handful of guttersnipes in the comments section of this blog could do that, they'd have happier lives. They'd then qualify as recovering Broedeaholics. Anyway, that's why Bonnie isn't upset with me any more. She hasn't seen the blog. She's ignored it. And that's good for Bonnie. She's setting a good example for the Broede addicted guttersnipes. Now, they should learn from Bonnie. Bonnie is in a better state of mind because of it. Meanwhile, Bonnie probably will have to take some abuse from some for initially encouraging me to create the blog. I can always say that the devil -- no, I mean nice Bonnie -- made me do it. --Jim Broede

Thats my clue

August 22, 2007 8:53 AM

Anonymous said...

How old are you Jim? Judging by your last post I would guess 7.
Begging people to go away won't do it. You shook the bee hive. You can't un-shake it.
Remember every comment is only based on what you have told people about yourself or comments you aimed at others. If you can't stand the heat get out of the fire (close out the blog). I hope you don't. Having to ignore the slop you post on the forum gets tiring. Being able to come here and say what we really think...priceless.

Anonymous said...

By following a Home Town link I came here to read. The blurb leading to it made Jim sound like a heck of a nice guy. What I have read here in his posts is distubing to say the least. I hope the link is removed before more hometown people come to see what he is writing about. Can this really be written by the same gentle man who gave his wife wheel chair rides all around our area? Something surely has changed or perhaps we just didn't know the real Jim Broede.

Anonymous said...

You only seen the shell, now what was deep down inside. Now sadly you have.

Broede's Broodings said...

Well, folks, if you read my actual broodings, I come across as a reasonably nice guy. Really. If you read the comments section of the blog, you may get a different opinion. Because we have some mean and nasty people in this world. In comparison, hey, I'm not such a bad guy. And I'm a happy guy, too. That's what annoys some people. Annoys the unhappy people. Some of 'em seem to begrudge the fact that I'm happy. That I'm good-natured. That I love life. And that I even laugh. Sometimes, even in the face of adversity. Come now, smile folks. Turn that grimace into a smile. Look at the good and positive things in life. Let's not be so glum. Life really ain't so bad. Quit whining. And start laughing. You'll feel a lot better. Let's have happy broodings. We can do it. Let's all pitch in. Be happy. It's a wonderful day. Let's count our blessings. The sun is shining. -Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

We're gonna make this blog a happy place, folks. An upbeat environs. Positive thought. Good laughs. Camaraderie. Come now. Get with it. Exude good vibes. Come here for good vibes therapy. Feel good. Be good. Hey, we're all alive and conscious beings. Let's savor life. Let's thank god for blessing us. Let's learn to love and appreciate each other. Despite our differences. I think that's what god wants us to do. --Jim Broede