Sunday, September 23, 2007

It's really funny stuff.

Broede bashing has reached a new and amusing level.

See for yourself, folks. Go to Alzheimer Association’s message boards and read threads titled “Hey, Deborah and Maebee” and “Broede’s blog will hurt you.”

Well, I’m used to it. I’ve been bashed for years because the ladies don’t like me. I’ve been called evil, a heathen, a troll, a devil, a communist and un-American, among other choice names. They’ve even hurled epithets with the 4-letter f-word. In print. On the message boards. Took days to get it deleted.

I’ve pretty much taken it. Turned the other cheek most of the time. Because I have a thick skin. And a sense of fairness and humor. I’m willing to be bashed, if that’s what the ladies think I deserve. Just as long as they don’t get physical with me. I also try to abide by the rules of courtesy on the message boards.

But to counter some of the ladies crap, I decided to start my own blog. Right here. You’re reading it now. Gives me a little more flexibility.

Anyway, the ladies also have called me a Pollyanna. Because I’m upbeat. A positive thinker. Who happens to think there are worse things than Alzheimer’s. And some of the ladies don’t like it that I promote my good vibes therapy for dementia patients. I’m convinced that it’s worked – that it makes some patients better in meaningful ways.

I also think that some Alzheimer care-givers have no business being care-givers. That they are unfit for the job. Because they are overwhelmed and despondent and often in need of more care than their patients. Imagine that. It poses potential risks to the people under their care.

Too many care-givers are too self-absorbed to recognize that they may be doing harm. And that’s sad, and it could have tragic results.

Oh, I’m the first to acknowledge that there are many, many darn good care-givers out there. The vast majority get passing grades. But my critics in the Ladies Aid Society want me to shut up. Unless, of course, I have nothing but good to say about Alzheimer care-givers.

And with relatively rare exception, that’s all I have to say. Good. At least on the Alzheimer’s message boards. I’ve had something like 4,400 posts since January 2005. The posts are there for scrutiny. They’ve passed muster. Met the Alzheimer Association’s guidelines, or they wouldn’t be there.

Meanwhile, you can bet that the Ladies Aid Society’s two current threads won’t meet the guidelines. Get over there quickly, folks. Otherwise, you won’t have the opportunity to see the latest crap. The threads probably will be deleted as soon as they come under review by the message board monitors. But it makes no difference to me. It's really funny stuff. –Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

You poor sad little man, Not suprised you find this all so "funny" - it continues to give you the attention you crave.

Believing in a spirit world too, I believe our Loved Ones continue to see the progress of our lives after they have gone.

In your case I should think your dear Jeanne is looking down in dismay as I should think she never saw this side of you and in this respect perhaps alzheimer's was God's way of protecting her from this.

To "larry" I would say "do your worst and be damned" - you are not hurting us you know but you are making yourself and Mr Broede look worse each time you post.

Broede's Broodings said...

And you, dear anonymous, are a poor sad liitle old woman. And you know it. And you aren't setting a very fine example for your daughter, who happens to be a nice middle-aged kind and understanding woman.

And think about why you continue to be obsessed with me, little old woman. It's because I know the truth about you.

And by the way, your foul but funny Ladies Aid Society threads have been deleted already on the Alzheimer's message boards. And I didn't even have to complain. Because they were such a flagrant violation of the Alzheimer Association rules.

Meanwhile, you can go read some of my 4,400 or so posts there. They remain. Because I know how to follow the rules of decorum and decency.

And over here on this blog, I know how to deal with a woman obsessed with me. Get a life, old woman. You can live without me. Overcome your addiction. Become a recovering Broedealholic. Check into a treatment center. Today. --Jim Broede

Broede's Broodings said...

P.S. to anonymous old woman:

You're also the 7,000 visitor to this blog in 7 weeks. You win a prize. A 2-week expense-paid vacation in Baghdad. You'll be parachuted in at your convenience. You are guaranteed a thrilling time. It'll help if you brush up on your Arabic language skills. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Jim I am surprised or I guess shocked at your reply.........

Broede's Broodings said...
P.S. to anonymous old woman:

You're also the 7,000 visitor to this blog in 7 weeks. You win a prize. A 2-week expense-paid vacation in Baghdad. You'll be parachuted in at your convenience. You are guaranteed a thrilling time. It'll help if you brush up on your Arabic language skills. --Jim Broede

September 24, 2007 2:01 PM

I am speechless, for someone to say this, Someone whos father was hunted by mafia? Isn't that what you said? For you whom was run out of florida. Shocking that someone whom claims the right to be an Proud American.

I have never posted here in fact this is my first visit. How very sad. I will remain Anonymous due to the nature of this post.

Anonymous said...

I have a son stationed in Baghdad and I and deeply hurt by your disrespct to our troops. I do NOT agree with war, yet they have a job and that job sent them there. You are a very sick person to use this to be funny. Very sad comment it is lower than I thought you would go. I noticed after reading your other site that you were in the service, enlisted so Jim you did your job? Also enlisted for a desk job?? Good luck with your blog Jim. I hope and pray our country stays free.

I support our troops! God bless them and bring them all home safe. Back to the loved ones they have here.

Broede's Broodings said...

Dear Anoymouses:

I'm a strong supporter of our troops in Iraq. I want to give 'em everything they need, and I want them brought home safely. The sooner the better. What I don't support is the war in Iraq. Maybe I could support it if I felt our nation was really behind it. Supportive of it. I think most Americans wish we had never gone into it. But if America is to fight a war -- well, then make it an all-out war. Let's reinstitute the draft. Get the rich kids in uniform, too. And the kids of the politicians that got us into this war, too. And I say, draft able-bodied seniors like me. Send us off to war. As fodder. Because we've already lived most of our lives. Shame to see 19- and 20-year-old kids killed. Thing is, if we had a draft, we'd probably have a quick end to the war. Because we went all-out. Or because of the protest against the war because of the draft. This war is being waged in large part by mercenary soldiers. Many of 'em civilians under private contracts, and they are paid a heck of a lot more than our volunteer soldiers. --Jim Broede

Anonymous said...

Jim---I've heard of spontaneous combustion but never spontaneous deletions. Going, going and instantly gone appeared to be the order of the day on the forums.

From the little forum reading that I was able to get in this weekend,I kind of got the feeling that Jaye does not include me on her list of most favorite people. Funny...I don't remember posting to her on the forums. Most people find it hard to dislike someone that they don't know...but she apparently has perfected the skill. If she is half as good at care giving as she is throwing around innuendos and inflammatory comments, she should come through her Alz. experience in great shape.

Perhaps she was one of those nameless people that I encountered here. Oh well...If someone does not respect themselves enough to give themselves a name.............