Sunday, September 16, 2007

...that sure as heck makes mourning a lot easier.

Someone asked me once if I ever mourn or grieve. Well, not a day goes by that I don’t mourn Jeanne. I mourn lots of things. But not a day goes by when I don’t find happiness, too. Often, joy. I celebrate life. Just being an alive and conscious being. The fact that I am able to mourn and feel sadness is a reflection of happy times. When I mourn I’m reminded that I’ve been happy. Joyous. That’s why I mourn. But in the case of Jeanne, I still have her wonderful spirit. And the thought that some day there will be a reunion. In a spirit world. In a paradise. I believe that. And so I can put ‘mourning’ on the back-burner, so to speak. And rejoice. When I am sad, I talk to Jeanne. The spiritual Jeanne. I still love Jeanne. More than ever. The love hasn’t diminished. On the contrary, it’s more profound. Jeanne’s spirit cheers me. Consoles me. Makes me aware that I am not alone. That Jeanne is still with me. Still my best friend. My true love. Yes, that sure as heck makes mourning a lot easier. --Jim Broede

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