Friday, September 14, 2007

Thrilling thought.

When I look at life, it seems like I have so much. So much opportunity to meet my needs. My emotional and mental needs. It just takes a little doing. A bit of imagination. A bit of daring. I just learn to be myself. And I let other people be themselves. I don’t change other people. They have to feel their own way through life. Adjust. Push limits. Especially in one’s spiritual life. I don’t mean in the conventional religious way. I’m a free-thinker. Because it allows me to be free. To pick and choose my own way. I'm not required to accept the dictates of organized or orthodox religion. I don’t have to follow the crowd. I commune with god on my own terms. And I commune with myself. On my own terms. Freedom of expression. Freedom to choose my words. I’m allowed to experiment and to make mistakes. I don’t need a well-devised plan. I just go with the flow. Naturally. I have a sense that I want to say something. So I let it out. Maybe ramble. But it feels good. Because I’m allowing myself to walk naked in the world. To be myself. Unafraid. Yes, that makes me feel free. That’s why I write. Why I speak. Why I love. That’s the way I nurtured the Jim/Jeanne relationship. The way I cultivated love. And I still don’t fully know the meaning of love. Maybe never will. It’s like trying to define god. Good gawd. That’s impossible. Beyond me. But it’s delightful accepting the existence of something I can’t fully comprehend. God. Love. It’s like that rainbow that one chases. One can see it. The light. Ever so colorful. Beautiful. One can’t touch it. But it’s real. Maybe it’s a reflection of god. A piece of god. We’re all a fragment of god. It’s that kind of thought that keeps me going. Thrilling thought. –Jim Broede

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