Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Just to be a decent human being.

What makes one country better or worse than another? I think Americans are arrogant in thinking, for instance, that we’re better off than Germans or Norwegians or the Irish or the English or the Canadians or New Zealanders or Tahitians. On and on the list could go. Oh, I’d rather live in the U.S. than in Somalia or Ethiopia or Egypt. But I could live a good life in many other parts of the world. Of course, I’d be most comfortable in an English-speaking country. And living with someone I loved. I’d find it hard to pledge allegiance to any country. I’d rather be considered a citizen of the world. Not a patriot for a specific country. We tend to divide ourselves into ethnic groups and racial groups and social groups and political groups and economic groups. We need to think of ourselves more as human beings. Or of people capable of loving each other despite our differences. Yes, I’m disillusioned. A disillusioned American. I’m not particularly proud to be an American. Instead, I’d like to think of myself as Jim Broede, a citizen of the world. Now that’s something that could make me proud. Just to be a decent human being. --Jim Broede

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