I don’t put a cure for Alzheimer’s at the top of my wish list. Instead, a cure for war goes there.
Of course, I don’t like to see people die of Alzheimer’s. It wasn’t nice watching my Jeanne’s mind drift into dementia. But Jeanne lived a rich and full life. She reached 80.
But think of the young people that die in wars. And innocent civilians of all ages. Many in the prime of their lives. And often in senseless wars. Like the Iraqi war initiated by George Bush under false premises. The idea that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. And that Hussein harbored terrorists responsible for 9/11.
Think of how many lives have been wasted in that war. Many, many times the number killed in the twin towers in New York City.
Oh, it’s not only America that has waged war. Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler was no peace-keeper. Think of the 6 million Jews. Of all ages. They didn’t have the chance to die of Alzheimer’s, a disease primarily of the aged.
And to end the war in Japan – well, it took atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Maybe those folks can take solace in being vaporized rather than living long enough to die of Alzheimer’s.
Also, I have to wonder if the countless numbers of people in the world that die of starvation and malnutrition daily are better off than our Alzheimer patients.
Yes, I guess life is a rough go. For lots of us. And so if some day I die of Alzheimer’s, I’ll count my blessing. I wasn’t killed or maimed in a war. –Jim Broede
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
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There were 9 million Jews slaughtered during the Holocaust.
Alzheimer's would be too kind a death sentence for someone like you.
I guess there's a dispute over the actual number of Jews killed during the Holocaust. Whatever the precise number, even one is too many. And it's sad, sad, sad. We live in a weird and strange world, don't we? I see that the president of Iran even suggests that the Holocaust never happened. He also says there are no gays in his country. Maybe he thinks the earth is flat, too.
And yes, I know that the Ladies Aid Society thinks Alzheimer's would be too kind a death for me. I understand they are planning on stoning me to death if I ever come within throwing distance of their stones. They're a spiteful bunch, aren't they? I'm hoping their stones would bounce off my thick skin. And they're dumb enough to aim their stones at my head. If they knew better, they'd hit me in the ass. Because that's where my brain is located. Shhhh. Don't tell 'em, please. Keep it secret. --Jim Broede
9-11 million, is the number of ALL the victims of Nazi persecution.
Just imagine the number killed in all of the unnecessary and senseless wars and persecutions perpetrated by mankind. Astronomical. It doesn't speak well for us as human beings, as creations of a supposedly loving god. We haven't lived up to our obligations. --Jim Broede
Read the Bible again, Jimbo, there will ALWAYS be wars. Anyone with any intelligence knows that.
I suppose that as long as we have religious zealots and fanatics we'll have wars. So many wars have been precipitated by religious strife. The believers in god wage war in the name of their gods all too often. But my free-thinking god tells me that war is obscene. And says that people who wage war are obscene. My god tells me to love. And not to hate. To actually love my so-called enemy. And my god tells me to have faith in mankind. That some day we will reach a heightened awareness and acknowledge that war makes no sense. That there are peaceful alternatives. God tells me that in the spirtual realm, there is no war. That in paradise, everyone is permeated by love. It's sort of a love orgasm. Everybody loves everybody. It's truly a kingdom of heaven. Bliss. Joy. A perfect world, so to speak. --Jim Broede
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