Monday, November 26, 2007

If you set your mind & heart to it.

Someone called Twilight Tears wants to know how to cope with stress.

"I know my dad cannot help having severe dementia--God knows I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy--but I am reaching the end of my rope, even tho my mom does most of the caregiving," Twilight Tears wrote on the Alzheimer's message boards. "I am so tired, so discouraged, so stressed out, so depressed. I already have some mental health issues which long predate my dad's illness. And I know the stress is only making my mental state worse. I am seeing a therapist, and am on meds, but I still only want to sleep. I dread waking up!! How do the rest of you cope with all the misery involved in this wretched, wretched disease???"

Well, I’ll tell you how to cope, dear Twilight Tears. You find something in your life that you enjoy waking up to. Something called love. You have to love something. Maybe it’s just being an alive and conscious human being. Able to think. Able to reason. Maybe it’s standing in the shower and the sensual feeling of warm water run down your body. Maybe it’s going for a walk and breathing in fresh air. Maybe it’s reading a poem that stirs your soul. Maybe it’s petting a dog or a cat. Maybe it’s caring for your sick father. Maybe it’s consoling your exhausted and depressed mother. Yes, Twilight Tears, it’s finding at least an ounce of joy in your life. An ounce of fulfillment. I’ve done it. And so have many others. You can, too, if you set your mind and heart to it. --Jim Broede

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