Sunday, December 30, 2007

It could be that love made a difference. I like to think so.

It's a frequently asked question. How long can someone survive with Alzheimer's Disease?

My sweet Jeanne lived for 13 years after the first signs of dementia. And in some ways, she showed some signs of improvement right up to the end. She still knew me. She seemed to be at peace. She smiled. She was pleasant. But she did go though a period of agitation and belligerence. In those last 38 months, in a nursing home, I was with her 8-10 hours daily. Didn't miss a day. And I kept her active. And loved. Maybe that helped ease her way through the Alzheimer's sojourn. We were both still in love with each other. Right up to the end. It could be that love made a difference. I like to think so. --Jim Broede

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