Sunday, December 30, 2007

They are doing that to themselves.

Maybe it's that I neglect protocol. Too often. Maybe it's that I don't show proper respect. Maybe it's because I tell some of the unhappy and distraught ones to get over it. To get on with their lives. It works with some. But not with others. And I come across as self-righteous. Because I often speak with confidence. I feel that I'm doing what's right for me. What works for me. And they automatically assume that I'm telling them do as I do. It might work. Well, I'm just telling them that it works for me. And if they want to try it, fine. And if not, that's fine, too. They take this as arrogance. And maybe it is. And arrogance can be taken as a form of cruelty. A way of making people who already feel bad, feel even worse. And I tell them, I'm not doing that to them. They are doing that to themselves. --Jim Broede

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