Wednesday, January 2, 2008

'Caution. Deer Crossing.'

The deer come into my yard. And one of them last spring dined heartily on one of my mugho pine trees. Which I didn't appreciate. But there has been a new growth of needles. And the pine looks good again. Often I see deer on my walks. There are some nice wooded areas. The unfortunate thing is that the deer often wander on to roads. At nighttime. And they get hit. Two years ago, I hit a deer. And killed it. That was sad. Happened at 9:30 in the evening. In an instant. Smashed up the left fender. That same day, in northern Minnesota, a guy in a pick up truck hit a deer and the deer came crashing through the windshield and killed the driver. It happens. When traveling the freeways, it's common to see dead deer along the road. Deer that have been hit and killed by vehicles. There are warnings along highways with signs that read, "Caution. Deer crossing." --Jim Broede

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