Sunday, January 20, 2008

Love is what makes me feel most alive.

When I was with Jeanne. That is when I began to understand the true nature of love. And how fulfilling it can be. And I continue to learn more and more every day. Being with Jeanne. And being in love. That is what made my life worthwhile. Oh, sure, it's also nice to have a career. As a writer. And that is fulfilling, too. But not nearly as fulfilling as being in love. If I have to choose one or the other, give me being in love. Love is what makes me feel most alive. --Jim Broede


Synchronicity said...

what does it feel like for you to be in love? what is your personal meaning? i am thinking the experience is different for everyone.

laughingwolf said...

merelyme is correct, it IS different for everyone, and that difference is what attracts, then bonds....