Tuesday, January 1, 2008

One has to find something to love.

One will always have some unpleasant events in life. And one's personality is made, in large part, by how one reacts and adjusts to adversity. To the pitfalls. Not to dwell too long on the things that have gone wrong in our lives. But to learn from the mistakes and the bad events. And to find a reasonable amount of happiness. One way or another. To me, the bottom line is to have the ability and the desire to fall in love. With something. Preferably, another human being. But it can be, oh, so many things. Life, itself. Just the sense of being alive and conscious. When one can fall in love with nature, or with books, or music. There are so many, many choices. So many options. One has to find something to love. --Jim Broede

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