Wednesday, January 16, 2008 be never-ending.

For me, a long, long time is forever. As long as we are alive and breathing human beings. That is our forever. For sure. And hopefully, forever goes beyond that. Into the spirit realm. That is what I want it to be. I want life and love and intimacy to be never ending. --Jim Broede


Synchronicity said...

i suppose...being the limited beings that we are...we can never understand the concept of forever. it is like going outside on a moonlit night and looking at the stars and trying to imagine all the stars and galaxies we cannot see...and trying to conceptualize...forever. it hurts the brain.

Broede's Broodings said...

Trying to conceptualize forever is intriguing, Merelyme. It doesn't hurt my brain. I'm fascinated. It's like trying to conceptualize god or love or infinity. That is what makes life so wonderful. Much of it is beyond comprehension. And maybe that's why I love it. Because I am allowed to feel alive. And to feel love. And to feel infinity, and forever. I am aware. At this very moment. --Jim Broede