Thursday, January 3, 2008

We also know how to...cozy up with our sweetheart.

Snow in Minnesota is no big deal. We're so used to it. Winters with lots of snow and cold. And we travel pretty well, even when it's snowing. The plows are out, and they keep the main roads passable. And most Minnesotans know how to drive in snow. Carefully. Slowly. I've been in other parts of the country where they don't get very much snow. But when they get it, some folks think that it's the end of the world. They slip and slide and have all sorts of accidents. Partly because they don't know how to remove snow from the roads. I've been caught in snowstorms in Kansas and in the Texas Panhandle, and the snow removal crews there are inept. They don't know what they are doing. Travel gets shut down. Oh, we Minnesotans, too, find snowstorms an inconvenience. But we make the best of them. We get out in the snow. But we also know how to go indoors and cozy up with our sweetheart. --Jim Broede

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