Wednesday, February 6, 2008

To save herself.

Wow! There's a care-giver posting on the Alzheimer's message boards that's got it really bad. So many things going on in her life. So many things going wrong. She lists a litany of troubles. She has to be on the edge of burnout. I wish she could take time out. Even if it's only one hour a day. Just to be kind to herself. One hour. That would be a good start. One hour that she can enjoy. An hour when she can forget her troubles. And then when she returns to her woes, I wish she could deal with them in slow motion. Super slow motion. One at a time. Wearing blinders. Shutting out everything else. She is overwhelmed now. Ready for a nervous breakdown. She really needs to shut down. For at least a week or two. Maybe a month or two. Total, complete rest. Hey, life will go on without her. Better to let it go on before she collapses. To save herself. --Jim Broede

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