Thursday, March 20, 2008

I need more technical know-how.

Once I learn how to do something, I must stick with it. And use the skill often. So that I don't lose it. It has to become second nature. So that I do it almost unconsciously. It's like when I taught myself how to type. With two fingers. I just did it over and over again. I know where to find every letter on the keyboard without even thinking about it. Maybe that makes me something of a robot. But with technical skills that must be all right. I imagine that playing the piano becomes a technical skill initially. And then one learns to put feeling into it. But the technical part must come unconsciously. And the feeling comes from the soul. From the spirit. But one still needs the technical know-how to make it complete. Writing, too, is a little like making music. One must learn to give feeling to words. Make the words fall together, come together, to convey a feeling. I think I could be a better technician. I always feel that I am missing something along the way. I need more technical know-how. --Jim Broede

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