Thursday, March 13, 2008

Let's get back on the right track.

I refuse to live in fear. Of terrorists or anyone. Our leader George Bush wants us to be so fearful that we give up our rights. To freedom. To human decency. Because we have to wage war on terrorists. We have to run our nation into overwhelming debt. Just to make us safe. The George Bush kind of safe. Which means surrendering our freedoms. Which means ignoring some of the basic needs of our citizens. Such as universal health care. And allowing our nation's infrastucture to deteriorate. And catering to the rich folks. So that they can get richer. Widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Well, folks, I ain't gonna live in fear. I'm gonna speak out. Exercise my freedom of speech while I still have it. And decry what George Bush and his political cronies have done to this country...making us a fearful nation. I'm gonna stand up and say enough is enough. Let's get America back on the right track. --Jim Broede

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