Friday, April 4, 2008

But then, who isn't?

I like Hillary Clinton. I wouldn't mind seeing her become president. But I'd rather it be Barrack Obama. And moreso as time goes on. Maybe because I think Obama is nicer than Hillary. Kinder. Gentler. More understanding. I'm seeing a side of Hillary I don't like. Too much like her husband. Too calculating. A politician to the core. Which means one has to be mean beneath one's exterior. Tough. Cruel. I think Obama is a rare politician. A true liberal. Someone who can admit that he's wrong. He can work with the other side. Open-minded. Believes in give and take. I suspect that Hillary is more partisan. A bit conniving. Not above dirty politics. Oh, far better, far more honest than George Bush. But then, who isn't? --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

A Clinton will say or do ANYTHING to be elected. She lies, gets caught in her lies, and just keeps going and going. She seems haughty and self-centered. In my early voting years, I mostly voted Democrat. Most of my adult life, I have voted Republican. In my early voting years, I mostly voted Democrat. I am leaning toward Mr. Obama at this point.

I do think we need to revamp the entire voting system. Why does the Democratic/Republican Committees set the rules, anyway???

1 person, 1 vote. How simple can that be? Get rid of all the back alley manipulating, and get to the nitty gritty- we all go to the polls, and we all vote, and every vote counts. This "Super Delegate" crap is a big joke.

Anonymous said...

Better than George Bush? I think not. How you just described her, yourself, says as much.

I would just hate to have to find out, after the fact, IF she were to be elected. However, if the coming election is conducted justly, she won't be anywhere near the White House!