Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Clinton's ego...

I'm sickened by the increasingly negative campaigning in the Democrartic primary elections. Between Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. By both candidates. But especially by Clinton. It's too bad that Obama has chosen to reply negatively in some instances. I've lost tremendous respect for Clinton. And I'm disappointed in Obama, too, but to a lesser degree. Clinton started the haranging. The personal degradations. Directly and indirectly. I used to admire her. Now I'm beginning to write her off. Because she seems to have been corrupted by politics. By the quest for power. By her own ego. I still hold out hope for Obama. I think he has let Clinton rile him. But he should be above that. He should learn to turn the other cheek. And I think he will. In an ideal world, I'd see Obama and Clinton uniting. On the same ticket. Obama for president. Clinton for vice president. That would be good for the Democratic party. And for the country. But I think Clinton's ego would prevent her from playing second fiddle. --Jim Broede

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