Monday, April 28, 2008

...a nice consolation.

Oh, I complain about America. But maybe that's what I like most about America. I'm still able to complain. Openly. Right here, for instance. It's of some solace that I can publicly declare that the Geogre Bush Administration and his Republican cohorts have put America into a steep decline. Really, not much I can do about it other than complain. Get it off my chest. Makes me feel good. Makes me feel like an American. A patriot. Anyway, I think there are better days to come. Bush won't be president anymore come January. And I'm assuming that anything would be better than George Bush. America may still stay in decline. But hey, maybe the decline will be slower without Bush and his neo-conservative manipulators. I guess I've learned to adjust to living in America. Despite George Bush and his chaotic domestic and foreign policies and his obscene preemptive war. It's all quite sad. But I'm still able to withdraw into my cocoon and live a reasonably happy life. In love. That's a nice consolation. --Jim Broede

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