Monday, April 28, 2008

...many Americans remain duped.

Hey, folks, what's the big fuss over? Barack Obama's pastor made some controversial comments in a sermon or two. About the war-mongering Bush Administration. And that terrorism begets terrorism. And that imperial America doesn't exactly have its hands clean when it comes to terror tactics. Obama disavowed the comments. But he's staying on as a member of Jeremiah Wright's Christian church. And he still considers Wright a friend. He ain't writing him off just because of hot-button opinions expressed from the pulpit. I think that's nice. But some of Obama's political rivals are calling for Obama to make a sharp break with this man that he has known for 20 years. To that, I say, hogwash. Anyway, the publicized comments are mostly sound bites taken out of context. Because that suits the tabloid-style journalists and pundits. Therefore, we get a grossly distorted reality on TV and in newspapers. Little wonder that so many Americans remain duped. Enough to have elected Bush twice. --Jim Broede

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