Sunday, May 4, 2008
...chickens coming home to roost.
Please, dear white folks, don't get mad over what I am about to say. I don't think some of you know what it's like to be black. Maybe I don't either. But I'm trying to imagine it, despite my whiteness. And it ain't nice. You are judged differently. Just because you are black. If you're my age, you've been given the shaft. Repeatedly. You've been treated rudely. With no respect. Very often. You've been treated as inferior, too. You've been denied the kind of education that you would have received if you were white. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, a black man, happens to be a few years older than me. I'm sure he's got ample reason to be pissed. Because of the unfair ways he's been treated. Not only him, but so very many others of his race. Yes, it ain't fair. If he said some of the things he said in his sermons, and he were white, he'd be judged differently. He'd more than likely get away with it. So many white preachers do. There's a double standard. I think if I were black, you might very well look at me in quite a different way. Wouldn't matter if I were the same guy, except for skin color. Anyway, I wouldn't be the same guy. Because my life experience would have been vastly different. Only because of my skin color. Little wonder that Rev. Wright may be a little bitter about his American experience. I'm surprised that he isn't even more bitter. I think he's got a remarkably good attitude. Considering everything. I think he's been forgiving to a significant degree. I imagine that many, many times in his life he has turned the other cheek. Just like his Jesus would have him do. But I think there were times when even Jesus got pissed. Turning over the tables of the money changers in the temple, for instance. So I think Jesus would forgive Rev. Wright for some of his harangues. For not always turning the other cheek. Really, I'm surprised that it took so long after our Civil War for blacks to get really pissed. After all, after the war and before the end of the 19th century, some 3,000 of 'em were lynched. Yes, right here in the good old USA. That's as many as were killed in the 9/11 terrorist attack on America. Those terrorists should be ashamed. But so should the Ku Klux Klan and so many other racists who call themselves Americans. Yes, America's chickens have come home to roost, as Rev. Wright proclaimed in a sermon. --Jim Broede
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It has been much more productive to concentrate on the progress, rather than to dwell on the past. Pride should be taken in the accomplishments of black people, in spite of the discrimination faced. For Heaven's sake, we finally have a promising black candidate for President. Look at Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, etc., etc.
Consider this:
..."I am, again, not saying there is not racism. But these days, with legal recourse in the event of discrimination, with affimative action programs in place to ensure that minorities are equally represented, with, quite often, preferential treatment for blacks in college scholarships and admissions (for instance, I'm not aware of any United Caucasian College Fund), and so on and so on ... what's holding us back is ourselves...-From a black man who thinks"
A very interesting read!
Where is your positive thought theory? Your good vibes? All this negativity is simply discounting any progress that HAS been made.
The progress of the past hasn't been good enough, Maebee. We can do better. Much better. And that's called being positive. We've dragged our feet for far too long in America. It's shameful. The past eight years under George Bush have been disgraceful. And there's still far too much racism. --Jim Broede
I am amused to come visit this blog after so long to see that you have once again brought up racial issues. I am a very proud "african american". I do not by any means hold anything against any race. I before told you I worked for what I have in life. I find many people crying over this issues expecting things for free, handed to them. I worked for what I have and I am damn proud of it. Everyone has a chance to make life better for themselves. Hard work stop playing the race card. What is in the past is in the past. I look to the future. There is and will always be people that look at any race and see something wrong with that race. I find that sad, move on get on with your life, life isn't easy for anyone anywhere at all times.
Look at Detroit's Mayor. He played the race card many times. He did well for that city, only to mess things up all on his own. He has now maybe played the race card for the last time. Costing that city millions of dollars. All to his doing. He now has the justice system to decide his faith.
I find your need to use the race card. As a proud african american I find your statements racial, playing the riot card, drawing attention to yourself. You aren't playing with color you are playing with whomever falls to you.
Whoever you are Maebee you are 100% right. Everyone has legal recourse and everyone has the right to WORK for what they want. Leave the negativity in the past where it belongs. Move forward
Dear Proud American:
You are a fake. You ain't no African American. And you know Maebee, although you claim you don't.
You say: "Whoever you are Maebee you are 100% right. Everyone has legal recourse and everyone has the right to WORK for what they want. Leave the negativity in the past where it belongs. Move forward."
The point I want to make, Proud American, is that I have not yet published Maebee's comment that you allege she said. I've withheld it. But you seem to have seen it because you have quoted it. Verbatim. So I deduce you are in collusion with Maebee. Or Maybe you are Maebee, impersonating an 'African American.' You sure don't sound like the many African Americans I know.
And hey, if you are such a "proud American," why aren't you proud enough to use your name? And really identify yourself. Maybe it's because you aren't so proud. --Jim Broede
I find it interesting that generally white folks don't see a need for a discussion about racial issues in America. That the past is the past, and, hey, let bygones be bygones and let's get on living together like all is well. Unfortunately, not all is well. Especially if you are the one being discriminated against. If not as overtly as in the past -- well, then in subtle ways. Racism is deeply engrained in the American soul. In the American economic, social and political systems. This nation was founded by hypocrites. The likes of George Washington, who had several hundred slaves. And Thomas Jefferson, who had about 200 slaves. Yes, that's the Thomas Jefferson that wrote that all men are created equal. And when he died, Jefferson didn't even bother to free his slaves. At least George Washington freed his slaves upon his death. Granted, we've made progress in the way we've treated black people. But we've still got a long way to go as a nation for making up for past crimes against people we enslaved and treated inhumanely in so many, many ways. And still do to some significant degree. --Jim Broede
That is not what is being said. Discussions, as you are now referring to, are very much in need. As Proud American(no, it is not me, nor do I know this person-as I have written, yet you are not printing that) has said, there is prejudice against all races. What we have both said is to look forward, and not dwell in the past. To do so, only keeps you living in the past.
To incite violence does not work. Those who do, only reverse any progress made.
In the times of Washington and Jefferson, it was acceptable,legal, even encouraged to own slaves-black and white. We have progressed a thousandfold since then. I don't even think there IS a way to "make up" for past crimes. I think the best thing we can do is to teach our Children to celebrate the differences in people, and to make sure those who practice slavery and hate crimes are punished to the fullest extent of the laws. Yes, just as their were laws establishing slavery, there are laws abolishing it, as well as discrimination, hate crimes, etc.
BTW, I see you have not printed my previous response from last night.
Jim I seen Maebee's comment and your reply to it then my statement. Her's was posted in the am mine in the pm. I am sorry you seem to be so confused. I see that you claim I am a fake, if you read back thru this blog you will see I posted before. I do not have the time to search for it, this is your blog you look for it. As I stated then and now, I worked for what I have, I didn't ask for handouts. Your statements are racial, you are one of the reasons some sit around waiting for someone to hand them what they want. I am not the fake one here.
Dear Proud African American:
I am referring to a comment submitted by Maebee for publication that I have not published. You won't find it here. But I suspect that you have seen it, based on what you have written. I think you are acquainted with Maebee. Albeit, I could be wrong. I think you should tell us who you really are. Give us a name and a little more information about yourself. It'd be nice if you'd send us a picture, too. So we all can see what a proud American looks like. --Jim Broede
Unfortunately, Maebee, it's our nation's past indiscretions that have caused much of the racial strife that still exists today in America. And until we fully address the sins of our past, we ain't gonna solve the racial divide that exists in this country. Seems to me you'd like to pretend that there isn't a problem. Believe me, there's a problem. And we had better face up to it -- as a nation. --Jim Broede
Jim---Funny 'Proud American' would mention Detroit's Mayor...Isn't Maebee from Michigan? It could be either a case of 'small world isn't it' or that someone thinks that 2 names are better than one.
Detroit's mayor has been on nation news almost on a daily basis. I am such a fake? No I am not Maebee and have only read her posts. I have no esp although I find that thought very interesting. To see into the minds of those whom do promote racist statements would be very interesting to me. Including yet not limited to Jim Broede. It seems to me that Jim Broede is a very paranoia when people do not see things his way or agree with him.
To help Skeri realize that Detroit's Mayor is nation news I will give her a few things to look at across the nation
Jay Leno, as of last nite Tuesday May 6th Carson Daily.
It is national news. I do not live in Michigan, I have been to Detroit on business period.
As I stated earlier, anyone can achieve what they set their minds too do. For some it maybe harder than for others. Nothing comes easily. Respect is earned and shouldn't be expected. I earned my respect.
Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for."
-- Marian Wright Edelman
Not funny, skericheri, but really sad, that you both continue to play like this. It is probably just a case of your overactive imagination. You both obviously take delight in throwing your barbs at me, especially if I am making a better point than Jim. BTW, I do believe that Detroit's current problem with the sleazy mayor is National news. No big deal that someone would know about it. How petty.
Jim, you keep saying you have withheld my comment that PAA refers to. Well, as far as I can tell, the comment he/she refers to is right above. I see no reference to comments you refuse to print. Perhaps you need to re-read the comments already here.
I wrote:"It has been much more productive to concentrate on the progress, rather than to dwell on the past. "
And, I quoted(From a black man who thinks) "these days, with legal recourse in the event of discrimination, with affimative action programs ... preferential treatment for blacks... what's holding us back is ourselves"
PAA replies"Whoever you are Maebee you are 100% right. Everyone has legal recourse and everyone has the right to WORK for what they want. Leave the negativity in the past where it belongs. Move forward"
And, yes, you ARE wrong; and, you do not seem to really comprehend what I am clearly saying. I have never claimed that there is no problem today, yet you continue to interpret the opposite of what I write.
Just what do YOU think would actually "make up" for our sins of the past??? How do YOU think we should "fully address" this??? Or, are you going to censor this, too?
I still think you and Proud African American are in cahoots. For instance, you started referring to him/her as PAA in your last post. And I had not yet posted his/her comment in which he/she suddenly began identifying himself/herself by PAA. I assume he/she cleared his/her comment with you before submitting it for publication. You know, of course, that I know you like to play deceptive games. Remember, Maebee, I think you are funny. That's one of your saving graces. You are always welcome here. For that very reason. You are funny. --Jim Broede
Yes, PAA, I suppose that in a sense I am racist in that I think we have plenty of white racists in America. I think that's unfortunate. I want a frank and open discussion about racism. I want us to try to eliminate racism. Albeit, that may be impossible. Let's at least try to lessen the degree of racism in the USA. And let's make up for some of our past sins. Maybe reparations are a good idea. It would be a step in the right direction. And maybe some of us whites should recognize that Rev. Wright may be more right than we give him credit for. And let's elect Barack Obama the next president of the U.S. That would be a giant step in the right direction. That would make me even more of an optimist. --Jim Broede
Oh, Jim, Jim, JIm, I knew you would jump on that, as soon as I came back, and saw PAA's response. If you knew anything about me, you would know that I tend to shorten names to letters, simply for the sake of less typing. I will address this one last time. You ARE mistaken. If PAA would like to, however, I can be reached by clicking on my name here. I wonder why my post has a time of 8:41am, when I posted it closer to noon?? Do you play with the times?? I am not the deceptive one here.
Since you see fit to obsess on that, rather than the discussion, I see no reason to further my views.
One last thing: You think MONEY is the answer????
As for Rev. Wright, perhaps you should educate yourself further, as to the comments in his "speeches/sermons". I feel the blatant untruths tend to negate all else. I could elaborate but why bother.
I guess that was two.
Oh, Maebee, Maebee, Maebee, you and Proud African American seem to be well-cooridinated. Both of you resort to the PAA abbreviation at virtually the same time. You follow his/her lead. And he follows your lead. Too many coincidences. Nevertheless, it's entertaining. Also please note that operates on Pacific Time. There's a 3-hour difference with Eastern Time. And a 2-hours difference with Central time. That accounts for the discrepencies in time. --Jim Broede
Yes, Maebee, maybe money is part of the answer. One could do 100 things to make up for our nation's past sins against blacks. But that would still come up short. Really, we have to find a way to become color blind. And I don't think that will ever happen. As for rev. Wright, I think he has some mighty valid points of view. I think we should be more understanding of what he has to say. Rather than to turn him off. We should listen better to what Rev. Wright has to say. Doesn't mean he's totally right. But until we start listening to each other, we aren't gonna come close to solving the long-standing problem of racism in America. By the way, the Native Americans have a legitimate gripe, too. We white Americans pretty much shafted them, didn't we? --Jim Broede
Please note, dear Maebee, that I posted my last 2 replies to you at 3:31 p.m. and 3:39 p.m. Minnesota time, where I live. But the times at the bottom of the posts indicate 1:31 p.m. and 1:39 p.m. Because that's the time it was on the Pacific Coast at the time of the posting. You are aware that we have 4 time zones in the continental U.S., aren't you? --Jim Broede
P.S. I'm posting this at about 3:53 p.m. here. But just below this it'll show something more like 1:53 p.m. Think about it. You'll be able to figure it out.
I know how very easy it is for you to make assumptions, and to stick by them. If I could prove you wrong, I would, but you wouldn't print it so I will let you go on, assuming. I know better, and so does PAA, so that's all that matters.
Now you are the funny one. Haha. I am not ignorant of time zones, but did you know that Alaskans consider it a slight to not include them with the "continental" states?? Did you know that it is literally correct to include Alaska(in the "continental United States"), therefore, there are 5 time zones??? Did you know that you should qualify your statement, with the explicit inclusion or exclusion of Alaska, to resolve any ambiguity?
However,perhaps we are both ignorant about blogs. Can't you set the time of your blog to YOUR time? WOW, I got email notification 4 minutes before your response showed up!!!
I admit, Maebee, that I am not a computer whiz when it comes to dealing with the technical side. I'd even admit that I am an ignoramus in that regard. But I consider myself well-informed and quite knowledgable when it comes to racial issues in America. --Jim Broede
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