Friday, July 4, 2008

...healing our racial divide.

Barack Obama is still my man. My choice for president. Some folks tell me they are a little disenchanted with Obama. And that maybe they'll have trouble voting for him. Well, the only other choice will be John McCain. I suppose that means these folks would rather have a third term of George Bush than Obama. If that happens, heaven help us. I'm still encouraged. And optimistic. I think America will finally right its ship by electing Obama. I thought I'd never see the day that a black man got elected president. It'll be a thrill to see that happen. It would be more of a thrill than if my Chicago Cubs won the World Series. Anyway, the way I see it, if Obama wins it'll be because he's black. And if he loses, it'll be because he's black. In other words, I see us either healing our long-time racial divide, or telling the world we're still a racist society. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

skericheri said...

Jim---Ages ago I became so disenchanted with Bush and the Republican party that I stated that any Democrat nominated would get my vote. If that person is Obama, because I have reservations about some of his will be hard...but...Not impossible.

You might be wrong when you state that the public will vote on the basis of skin tone. There are actually people who will vote for their preferred candidate on the basis of their platform. It puzzles me...but...There are a sizable number of individuals who prefer McCain.