Monday, September 29, 2008

Counting unhatched chickens.

Yes, John McCain may be as goofy as his running mate, Sarah Palin. Or it may just be a matter of him getting senile. A distinct possibility. After all, he's as old as me. An old fart. At our age -- well, the mind begins to wander. I'm beginning to think that McCain is too old to be president. He may not last out a full term. And that would make Palin our commander-in-chief. That ain't good. It'd make me wonder if George Bush wasn't so bad after all. The fact that McCain picked Palin to be on the Republican ticket speaks a lot about his state of mind. Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. And it was only 10 days ago that McCain was claiming that the fundamentals of the American economy were still very sound. But suddenly, he suspended his campaign and came back to Washington to drum up support, he said, for a $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. Hmmmm. So strange. Especially for a nation that, according to McCain, was supposed to be on strong economic footing. Earlier today, McCain left Washington to speak in Ohio, where he proudly proclaimed that he was the one responsible for seeing to it the bailout bill passed with strong Republican support. Only thing is -- Congress voted an hour or two later to reject the plan. Because a majority of Republicans opposed it. Despite McCain's support for it. Yes. Whoops. Another McCain blunder. Taking credit when credit wasn't due. That's been typical McCain lately. Counting unhatched chickens. --Jim Broede

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