Sunday, September 7, 2008

I live in an absurd America.

I think the absurd happens. Often. On a daily basis. That is, it's absurd to me. Others may think of it as normal. But then, maybe I'm abnormal in my outlook on life. The fact that we Americans have elected George Bush as our president. Not once. But twice. That's doubly absurd. And idiotic. And the fact that we Americans don't get royally piqued over the Iraq War. To the point of insisting that it be ended. Well, that's absurd, too. And downright stupid. And immoral. And that we Americans put up with the fact that we are the only industrialized nation in the world without universal health care. That's wildly absurd. And think of this. Polls show there's a fighting chance that the John McCain-Sarah Barracuda ticket could win in the November election. Which would mean, in essence, a third term of sorts for George Bush and the Republicans. Yes, no doubt about it. I live in an absurd America. --Jim Broede

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