Monday, September 15, 2008

A more liberal direction.

I guess I'm a liberal idealist. Oh, maybe I'm conservative in some ways, too. But mostly I'm a liberal. And an idealist. I believe, for instance, in equality. And that government should help people. By trying to guarantee everyone the basic necessities of life. Such as a sustainable income. And a job, so to speak, if one is healthy enough to work. To earn a living. I also believe in universal health care. Even if it's called socialized medicine. Yes, I believe in societal obligations. In something called the common good. I'm for government regulation on private business. To discourage greed, and to put a cap on profit. I want to narrow the gap between rich and poor. I want an end to racism. I want social programs that prevent people in need from falling through the cracks. And oh, I want an abundance of educational opportunities. For everyone. And much of what I want is brought about by government. I think it's possible for societal gains to be accomplished through the auspices of government. And by the private sector, too. But often government can do it better because government has a motivation to do it without the profit-motive in mind. Yes, for the common good. Profiteers often are exploiters. Too often, their motive is obscene profits. Good government will keep them in check. Yes, I suppose I want a little bit of sociailsm. I don't mind some amount of captalism. But under some restraint. Imposed by government. So, obviously, I'm for change. And though Barack Obama would not bring about all the change I'd like -- well, he'd still move this country in the right direction. A new direction. A more liberal direction. --Jim Broede

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