Monday, September 22, 2008

Who's gonna get your vote?

When I hear 'trickle down,' I generally laugh. It's a theory that if we allow rich people to get richer, it'll be a good thing. Because they'll invest oodles of money in money-making projects that create jobs. And that thereby stimulates the economy. And helps poor people. It's an economic policy favored by Republicans, from the Reagan Administration on through the Bush Administration. Cut taxes. Especially on the very rich. And the money at the top will trickle down and benefit those at the bottom. Yes, that's baloney. A cruel joke. Look at what has actually happened. The gap between the rich and the poor keeps widening. The rich keep getting richer. And the poor keep getting poorer. And the middle class keeps getting smaller and smaller. Yet, many of us in lower and middle classes keep voting Republican. Maybe because we believe the trickle down crap. John McCain is preaching it. Echoing Reagan and Bush. Yes, he's one of 'em. He favors the rich, I suppose, in part because he's rich. When asked how many homes he owns, McCain wasn't sure. So many, it's hard to keep track. I think it turned out to be 8. And he's married money, too. His wife. She's very rich. Little wonder that McCain doesn't want to raise taxes on the very rich. And meanwhile, McCain is telling us in his campaign commercials that Barack Obama wants to raise everybody's taxes. That's a lie. Just as false as the trickle down theory. Obama wants to raise taxes on the wealthy -- the 5 percent richest people and corporations in America. As for the lower 90 percent or so --he's calling for lower taxes. Now the question, fellow Americans, is who's gonna get your vote? --Jim Broede

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