Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Accomplishing the impossible.

Barack Obama speaks to me. He represents what is good about America. That he can capture the imaginations of a majority of American voters. And most likely, get himself elected president. Wow! That is some accomplishment. I once thought I'd never live to see a black president. Yes, live to see someone transcend the long-time underlying, deep racism in America. Oh, how proud I will be of my country if Obama makes it all the way to the White House. He will have accomplished what back in the 1960s would have seemed impossible. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

skericheri said...

Much as I want it to happen...I'll believe that Obama is elected when I read it in the newspapers.

The gas situation in my area of NC has about returned to normal...Except that the price is gowing lower and lower. So low that it looks like a Republican ploy to butter up voters and give them one less thing to blame on McCain. I'm waiting for an announcement that interest rates will be lowered.

The public has such short memories...The very same events took place just prior to Bush being re-elected.