Saturday, October 18, 2008

I like love stories.

I get all wrapped up in the upcoming presidential election here in the U.S. And I suppose that's good. But it also can be bad. In that in the end, I could be disappointed. But hey, I'm optimistic. I sense a good outcome. But the fact is, I can't really effect the outcome. I'm just a little pebble on the beach. What will happen, will happen. Whether I'm here or not. So, sometimes I wonder why I pay so much attention over events over which I have no control. Oh, I'm able to spout off. In my blog. In my writing. Really, my main focus should be on love. A loving relationship with another. Because that's more meaningful than anything. Doesn't matter, I suppose, whether McCain or Obama become president. That shouldn't have any effect on my loving relationship. We're still free to fall in love. And to cultivate the relationship. And to find happiness with each other. On a daily basis. That's the important thing in life. To have the freedom and the ability to fall in love. And to live reasonably happy. Under whatever political and economic system. One just makes the best of the situation. The important thing is that I'm able to profess and feel love. And say what's on my mind. About love. About a loving relationship. I choose to do that. Because it makes me happy. And content. And I just sit here and marvel at how nice it is to nurture a human, a loving relationship. Yes, I'm living an interesting story. A love story. Isn't it nice to be one of the two main characters in this love story? And the story keeps unfolding. Every day. Another page. Another chapter. Another twist. Yes, I like love stories. Especially this one. --Jim Broede

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