Monday, October 27, 2008

...his own worst enemy.

Maybe John McCain spent too much time in the military. And maybe he got a warped mind while he spent 5 years as a POW in Vietnam. McCain thinks like a soldier. Attack. Attack. Attack. Identify your enemy. And attack him. Even kill him. Before he kills you. Yes, it seems to me, that McCain is treating his presidential opponent Barack Obama as his enemy. As America's enemy. Telling us that Obama cavorts with terrorists. That he's a socialist. That he's unready to be commander in chief. Attack. Attack. Attack. McCain doesn't tell us what he himself would do if elected president. Instead, he tries to tell us that Obama is unfit. That Obama can't be trusted. That, in a sense, Obama is the enemy. And that he has to be defeated for the good of the country. Yes, that's hogwash coming from McCain's mouth. And it's sad. McCain is conducting a political campaign as if it's a war. As if the enemy has to be defeated. Maybe it's time for McCain to wake up and recognize that Obama ain't the enemy. That John McCain is his own worst enemy. --Jim Broede

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