Sunday, October 5, 2008 of the Stepford wives.

Interesting. How a politician is packaged these days. Take Sarah Palin, aka the Barracuda. The moose hunter. The Alaskan. A woman with glasses. Looks a little like a librarian. But when she opens her mouth, seems like she doesn't have much book learning. Actually, she sounds rather nonsensical. A bit like a programmed robot. But her mechanical brain has gone hay-wire. Maybe that's why she often sounds incoherent. But there's something likeable about her. Like a cute little puppy. Albeit, empty-headed. But still, she's being sold to us as a potentially sterling leader of the free world. A vice president of the United States. With a good chance that if elected, she'll some day become president. The first woman to hold the lofty office. Here, we once thought it'd be Hillary Clinton. Trained for the job as First Lady for 8 years. A feisty little woman with a real brain. Instead, it may be one of the Stepford wives that takes charge. --Jim Broede

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