Monday, October 27, 2008

...too many old ways.

I wouldn't mind seeing a different form of government in the USA. Maybe a parliamentary type. So that we'd have multiple parties. Instead of only two. And we'd need coalitions to get things done. We'd have to find more ways to work together. To consider many points of view. For instance, if a Ralph Nadar party had only two or three representatives in Congress, at least they'd have a voice and some votes. Albeit, relatively few. Maybe a few Libertarians, too. And some socialists. And a Green party. All tossed together. Now we have Republicans and Democrats. That's so limiting. So stifling. We need a better mix. Problem is that our nation was founded in the 18th century. When world conditions were quite different. And we haven't fully adapted to the changes of the past 200-plus years. We're still trying to get by on archaic principles. We're inefficient because we are operating under a constitution that's out-dated. Oh, we've changed. With amendments. With different interpretations. But we're still mired down in too many old ways. --Jim Broede

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