Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Books & music & amber lights.

I've gravitated over the years to book-lined walls in my home. Books all over. In every room of the house. In the living room, the bedrooms, my study, the kitchen, the bathroom, the laundry room. Even the garage walls are lined with books. Books, books, everywhere. Too many to even read. I even have to climb ladders to reach all the books. Yes, I'm surrounded by a lifetime collection of books. Maybe I've overdone it. But that's my nature. I like to overdo things. A few years ago, I started collecting birdhouses, too. So, now I have hundreds of birdhouses and bird-feeders. In the trees, under the eaves of the house and garage, and hanging from the ceilings in the house. And I have multiple radios in every room of the house. All tuned in to the local classical FM station. Sometimes, I turn them on all at the same time. So I can enjoy wonderful stereophonic sound. I also have a well-lit house. Many, many lamps. Many of them with amber bulbs. Yes, on many evenings the house is flooded by amber light. My home is my cocoon. My little haven. My Paradise. Books and music and amber lights. --Jim Broede

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