Saturday, November 22, 2008

...he royally screwed his country.

Hillary Clinton. Secretary of State. I can get used to that. A good choice. Sounds to me like Barack Obama is surrounding himself with strong personalities in his Cabinet. People who won't be afraid to challenge him. To offer alternative views. In other words, issues will be debated. In lively fashion. Oh, that sounds so much different than what we've had under George Bush. Where everybody was supposed to march in lock-step. And follow the party line. Yes, robots. Obama has an open mind. He'll listen to contrary views. And even change his mind. And admit to mistakes. Contrast that to Bush. He'd stay on the wrong course forever. Stubborn. Stupid. Maybe the dumbest president we've ever had. Maybe Bush wasn't real. Just a decoy. A puppet. And evil Dick Cheney ran the show. Lord knows. But I suspect the new justice department will launch an investigation. To determine the abuses under the Bush administration, including numerous violations of the Constitution. Ironic, isn't it? They tried to impeach Bill Clinton for a sex scandal. But George Bush will likely get off even though he royally screwed his country. --Jim Broede

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