Saturday, November 8, 2008

I'd have stood by Rev. Wright.

If I lived in Chicago, I'd attend Rev. Jeremiah Wright's church. Especially if he was speaking. From what I've heard of the guy, I like him. He's a good preacher. Believes in black liberation theology. For 20 years, he was Barack Obama's pastor. Baptized Obama's children. They were friends, I guess. But during the presidential campaign, Rev. Wright gained notoriety. Because of snippets from some of his sermons. Political conservatives construed Rev. Wright as unpatriotic. As un-American, I guess. But from my perspective, he came across as a true patriot. For criticizing the American government for its hypocracy. For not working for the common good. For all sorts of immorality. And Rev. Wright's sermons were aimed at making things better for everyone. To get us to think. Turns out that Obama decided to leave Rev. Wright's church. Because of all the controversy the minister stirred. Can't blame Obama, I suppose. Because to stay in that church would have been politically harmful. Maybe it would even have cost Obama the election. That's why I wouldn't make a good politician. I'd have stood by Rev. Wright. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could see you sitting in the front pew listening to Rev. Wright. I can also picture you jumping up and down through the whole sermon. You don't love this country, you love controversy. If someone says "red" you jump "green". You so called love for this country is as fake as you are. Thankfully President elect Obama, has more sense than you.