Wednesday, November 5, 2008

...a stride in the right direction.

Ah, such a pleasant feeling. When something goes right. Barack Obama elected president of the USA. A wish come true. A decent politician. A dreamer. A believer in the common good. A black man elevated to the top office in the land. In my country. Makes me proud to be American. Finally, maybe we Americans are getting it right. We are putting aside the racial divide. Just think, under our first 16 presidents, Obama would have been considered a piece of property. Yes, those presidents could have owned Obama. He wouldn't have been considered human. He would have been denied basic human and civil rights. Even in the 1960s, he would have been subjugated. All because of the color of his skin. But look now. A guy named Barack Hussein Obama. About to become our president. Oh, we still have a long distance to go in the way we Americans treat each other. But by golly, we made a giant stride in the right direction yesterday. --Jim Broede

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