Monday, December 1, 2008

Finding our way out of the morass.

I like parliamentary government because it usually means government by coalition. When one party doesn't gain a majority, it requires governments to be formed by competing, but cooperating political parties. Makes for more diverse representation in the acting government. Often, it means compromise. More give and take. In some ways, it would have been nice if America had lost the Revolutionary War. Then maybe we'd have a parliamentary-type government similar to Great Britain. With multiple political parties. In America, we pretty much have a choice between Democrats and Republicans. And maybe they aren't diverse enough. For the past 8 years, we've more or less had neo-conservative ideology shoved down our throats. Little balance, little diversity. And maybe that's why we are in a hell of a mess. But from the looks of it, president-elect Barack Obama is appointing a very diverse cabinet. Rather independent and intelligent people with wide-ranging views and, in some cases, with different political affiliations. The cabinet may become a debating society, of sorts. With all sides of issues being aired before decision-time. We lacked that under the deplorable Bush administration. And it's been America's loss. Finally, we Americans may be finding our way out of the morass. --Jim Broede

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