Friday, December 12, 2008

I am continually learning.

I like to speak my mind. And to attach my name to my comments. But I'm intrigued by people who speak their minds only if they remain anonymous. Seems to me they are afraid. Of something. Being identified. Maybe they don't have the courage of their convictions. Yes, a form of dishonesty. Maybe they are ashamed of their opinions, their comments. Or they lack confidence. I've always stood up for what I believe in. But I try not to foist my ways on others. I may try to persuade them this way or that way. But I cannot make choices for them. They have to choose their own way. I like to debate politics and religion and economics and social mores. For the sake of enlightement and knowledge. But that's all it is. An exchange of opinions. Which can be stimulating. And I like to know who I am talking and listening to. That helps in the process of understanding. To better grasp how one has come to a particular point of view. I'll be the first to admit that I may be wrong. Lord knows how many times I have changed my opinion. Because I am continually learning. --Jim Broede


Maebee said...

Honestly, Jim, don't you think that it may be because, when someone uses their "name", you have brought up very personal things that you had learned about them in the Alzheimer's forum, and made malicious remarks about them?

Broede's Broodings said...

You're full of baloney, Maebee. And that ain't malicious. Nothing wrong with baloney. And you know as well as I that malicious or derogatory remarks are NOT allowed on the Alzheimer's forum. Anyway, I praise you. Because you aren't afraid to sign your name. You set a good example for others. But with all your baloney, you could open a meat market. Featuring Maebee brand baloney. Make it the daily special. --Jim

skericheri said...

Jim---Visiting your blog is like putting on a comfortable pair of shoes. You and I agree on soooo many things.

Anonymous said...

You learned personal things on the forum, then brought it HERE, when certain people did not agree with you, or criticized how you were treating someone. I am stating facts, not silly talk about baloney. I have tried to contribute to discussions here, and got insulted, or ignored, because the facts I brought, did not agree with what you wrote.

Maebee said...

Sorry, I didn't sign in.

skericheri said...

Jim---Does it not seem strange that an individual who is not willing to even share a 'fact' as elementary as their screen name would be complaining about being ignored and commenting here about the accuracy of your 'facts'?

It seems like we are entering the season of peace, love, tolerance and understanding with a 'blast from the past'. Don't you think it would be nice if some people would expand their horizons and move on to more important issues?

Maebee said...

I can always count on skeri to respond when I do.

Broede's Broodings said...

You know, Maebee, if you and your anonymous friend combined your supply of baloney, the two of you could feed all the starving people in the world. Imagine that. A Christmas present that would benefit mankind. --Jim

Maebee said...

Jim, I came back, and apologized, that I did not sign in. What did you do with that? Anonymous was me this time, and I wrote you that.

Please, take a minute and straighten ms cheri out.

"..peace, love, tolerance and understanding.."? Yeah, right!
What seems strange to me, is this compulsion to come to Jim's rescue. He is a big boy, cheri, he can handle things himself. A "blast from the past" is right!

Broede's Broodings said...

Well, thanks for the clarification, Maebee. You inadvertently signed in as 'anonymous,' I gather. That means you alone are full of enough baloney to feed the world. You don't need a partner. And I like it when a fair damsel such as Cherie comes to my rescue. She sets a good example for you and the rest of the world. --Jim

Maebee said...

I knew that I had unintentionally clicked on "publish your comment" before I signed in, and it automatically goes through as anonymous. I immediately wrote back, and corrected myself. I do not know why you didn't post that.

You continue to prove why participation is low here. I have only stated facts.

"She sets a good example.."
Example of what?

Broede's Broodings said...

And you, Maebee, continue to prove that you are full of baloney. My dictionary defines baloney as pretentious nonsense. Bunkum -- often used as a generalized expression of disagreement. Yes, you deal in baloney, not in facts. --Jim

skericheri said...

Jim---Arctic breezes seem to be prevalent. Please do not get stuck in a snow drift.

Maebee must be 'double dipping' or 'blowing smoke'. Last time that I looked...A poster had to specifically select the option to post as 'Anonymous' on this blog. I may have missed something...but...There appears to be a significant time lag between the time that posts are entered and the time that they appear. Is there any way for you to do a double time stamp?

Maebee said...

skeri, ever notice that Jim pays little attention to your post, unless you are trying to bad-mouth me??

Broede's Broodings said...

You're imagining things again, Maebee. Nobody is bad-mouthing you. You are being praised and don't know it. You have to learn to take a compliment. You have many talents. I've told you that many times. You are very entertaining. Remember, you once told me you were a performing clown. You know how to make people laugh. At times, you have me in stitches. --Jim

skericheri said...

Jim---I'm enjoying the change in pace from our regular e-mails. Maebee must have forgotten... Comment moderation is enabled. Rescues are not necessary...Maybe Maebee meant to thank you for allowing this exchange.

At least she now seems to know her own name. Have you given any thought to how and where she got into the habit of posting as 'Anonymous'?

The regular 'left-behind kid' keeps coming back!!! If she was a stock she would be a good example of the 'dead cat bounce'. Doesn't she have any place where she will be appreciated to go?

Hey, I never thanked you for calling me a "fair damsel". Considering the fact that you are in MN and I am in NC flattery will get you no where ...That was sweet.

Maebee said...

See. now THAT"S what I'm talkin' about! I knew you wouldn't let us down! Bring in the clown! Point made!
Skericheri, is no let-down, either! Love the clichés. "left behind kid"? "Blast from the past"? "Double dipping"? "Blowing smoke"?

And, you guys all know about posting anonymously. No, wait, you make up other names, and fictitious people-Larry, Bunny, oh, so many more!

However I posted, at least I posted the correction within a minute. I could have just as easily left it, and left you with more fodder for your fantasies. BTW, thank you so much, for making a point to mention "regular emails". No surprise. Old news.

So, here we are, same as always, off topic so you two can poke and pick. Oh, well, I have better to do. One simply has to look at the infancy of this blog, to see my point.

"Don't you think it would be nice if some people would expand their horizons and move on to more important issues?"

Yes. Point above. Not my topic. Not my blog. My initial responses were the only ones addressing JIM's topic. Personally, I don't even know why you have the option of comments. You don't want comments; you want strokes.

Broede's Broodings said...

What I want from you, Maebee, is some light-hearted banter. You have a tendency to take life too seriously. I do think you are basically a good-hearted soul. But you need to lighten up. Try to cultivate a sense of humor. It'll make you a better clown. I want you to practice laughing today. At me. And at yourself. --Jim

skericheri said...

Maebee---‘Taking care of business’ had ‘me tied up’. Oh well...’better late than never’.

‘So sorry’ that you do not like my ‘choice of words’. Words, phrases, and clichés are ‘more fun than a barrel of monkeys’. Anyone familiar with our situations and ‘not as dense as a London fog’ would be able to grasp their meaning. Noticed your question marks...Did you have a problem?

I fully expect that Jim was (and still is) laughing at both of us. We seem to take our exchanges so seriously that he must imagine us being ‘wound tighter than a spring’. His advice to both of us would probably be ‘to take time to drink the Kool-Aid’.