Sunday, December 14, 2008

I can read on a night walk.

I'm a night owl. I function better at night than during the day. Yes, I'm a slow starter. I customarily go to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning. Of course, I don't rise until 10 most days. Sometimes, I get by with only 5 or 6 hours of sleep. I got into this routine when Jeanne was in the nursing home. I would spend 8 to 10 hours with her. Daily. And I'd tuck her in bed between 9 and 10 most nights. Then I'd go home for my respite. I'd eat late. I'd write. And think. And relax. So I started getting up at 10. And make it over to the nursing home by 11. I'd feed Jeanne lunch and supper in her room. And often take her out and about in the wheelchair. Sometimes, all the way home in the wheelchair. A 6-mile roundtrip. Before I retired, I wrote for newspapers. And it wasn't unusual to attend night meetings. So I got used to working at nights. And going to bed late. Maybe that's how I initially became night-oriented. Oh, I like all times of day. But I think I flow better in the evening. Used to be that I'd read in bed at night. Maybe for hours in my younger days. But now I rarely stay awake with a book for more than 15 minutes. I still read. But often I get most of my reading done while I'm walking. I can walk and read at the same time. Along routes where there isn't very much traffic. I have a battery-powered reading light that attaches to a book. So I can read on a night walk, too. But I rarely do that. --Jim Broede

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