Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm sending my shoes to Iraq.

I liked it when an Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George Bush. Oh, I didn't want Bush to get hit or injured. He ducked the first shoe. And the Iraqi prime minister blocked the second shoe. I can understand the frustration of the Iraqi people. Including the journalist, who had family members killed during the war. Estimates range to more than 100,000 civilians killed so far. That affects lots of families. Mothers. Fathers. Children. Lives snuffed out by Bush's preemptive war. And it ain't over yet. Meanwhile, the journalist has been jailed. But I'd release him. And if George Bush had any sense of decency, he'd call for freeing the guy. Seems he's becoming a national hero. The following day, Iraqi citizens started pelting passing American troops with their shoes. I have some spare pairs of shoes. Think I'll send them to Iraq. Where they can be put to good use in case Bush makes another visit. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

skericheri said...

Jim---In my opinion...You have the right idea...but...The wrong destination.

Ever since I saw the video I've had the urge to send Bush out of office in style by mailing him the smelliest, most worn out and useless pair of shoes that I can find in my closet.