Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Money for a position of power.

Imagine that. The governor of Illinois trying to sell the appointment of a U.S. senator. Had his telephone tapped. By the FBI. Embarrassing, isn' it? But doesn't surprise me. Money. And power. One breeds the other. Power means money. And money means power. That's the way the capitalist system works. Often, there's a fine line between what's legal and illegal. Looks like the Illinois governor lost track. So, he's being brought up on corruption charges. Just like his predecessor, who's serving time in a federal prison for corruption while he was in office. Maybe some day two ex-governors of Illinois will be cellmates. Yes, life has some ironic twists. To succeed in high public office in the USA, one must raise money. Lots of it. Little wonder that many, many of our senators are millionaires. They have to be big-time manipulators. Money-raisers. And that usually means doing people favors. Guess that's what the Illinois governor wanted. Favors. An exchange of political favors. Money for a position of power. --Jim Broede

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