Thursday, December 18, 2008

...resolving our differences.

I see some of my liberal left friends are hot and bothered and miffed because Barack Obama has picked a very conservative preacher to deliver the invocation at his inaugural. Hell, it doesn't matter to me. He could pick anyone. Even George Bush. And it wouldn't matter to me. It's insignificant. Anyway, that's the nature of Obama. To invite everybody into the tent. Wasn't all that long ago that Obama was being criticized by the right wing conservatives for associating with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Who gives a damn? I want my president to associate with anyone he pleases. That's the way to learn. By associating with all kinds. Not just with people of your own ilk. Listen to what they have to say. Try to figure out where you have common ground. Keep an open mind. Maybe they'll sway you. Or better yet, maybe you'll sway 'em. I'd even encourage Obama to sit down and talk to Osama bin Laden. Or with the devil himself. Yes, it would be nice if we could understand each other. That's a good start at resolving our differences. Maybe even without having to go to war. --Jim Broede

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