Thursday, January 29, 2009

Give me a choice of limitless evils.

It's a dirty, rotten shame that we Americans have to choose between Republicans and Democrats. We really deserve better. But we've got a political system that has basically evolved into two paltry parties. Donkeys and elephants. Stubborn and slow-witted and cumbersome. We need more voices in our Congress. Whigs. Socialists. Communists. Greens. Anarchists. Christian conservatives. Atheists. Libertarians. Yes, a whole mish-mash of ideas and persuasions. And let 'em all hassle it out. Find ways to cooperate. To reach some kind of accord. A consensus. A coalition government. Now it's just two ornery sides. Republicans and Democrats. Even the occasional independent that gets elected has to choose to caucus with either the Republicans or the Democrats. Yesterday, we had a vote in Congress on an economic stimulus package. All 188 Repubicans predictably voted against it. And all but 12 Democrats voted for it. Two sides. Black and white. Bad evil and good evil. That's the way we Americans define ourselves. Choose one or the other. A hell of a predicament. In the end, we're all forced to choose the lesser of two evils. I'd rather have a choice of limitless evils. --Jim Broede

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