Monday, January 26, 2009

If they can do it, why not others?

Trying to be nice. And get along with everyone. That's a nice goal. But I suspect it's almost impossible. Invariably, one or the other becomes hard-nosed. And that means drawing a line. I sure as heck wouldn't want to please everyone all the time. I like to live by my rules. But without foisting my rules on others. Sort of live and let live. I'll take issue with people. Let them know what I think. Especially when I disagree. But it's nice when we agree to disagree. Without becoming hostile. Often, we can each pursue our own course. Like in politics. I voted for Obama. Some of my friends voted for McCain. I learned to live with Bush for 8 years. Now the others can learn to live with Obama. For 8 years and more, hopefully. I am a little surprised that there are so many people in the world with divergent views -- and so much hostility. Seems to me, it should be relatively easy for a Palestinian and a Jew to live together. Peacefully. Just takes a little bit of tolerance. And love. I imagine there must be a Muslim and a Jew married to each other. Quite happily. There has to be. Somewhere in the world. At least one couple. If they can do it, why not others? --Jim Broede

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