Friday, February 20, 2009

The limburger cheese problem.

Stubborn Republicans. I find 'em fascinating. Used to be they drove me crazy. But that was because I was too close. I didn't step back. And see that they really are funny. Downright comical. Like this Rush Limburger guy. A Republican pundit on the radio. For years, I thought maybe he was a put-on. The guy was too outlandish to be real. Well, now I'm of the persuasion that the guy has inhaled too many fumes from smelly limburger cheese. And that can cause brain damage. I often wondered what would happen if I took to snorting limburger cheese. After seeing what has happened to Rush Limburger, I don't even want to try. When I go to the supermarket, I take a wide skirt around counters that stock limburger cheese. My guess is that Rush convinced others to snort. And that may result in the demise of the Republican party. Here it is we thought the big problem on the drug scene was cocaine. Only to find out that it's really smelly limburger cheese. --Jim Broede

1 comment:

Broede's Broodings said...

I'm for putting a warning label on limburger cheese. Something to the effect that if you inhale the fumes, you could become a Republican. That should scare the hell out of most people. --Jim