Saturday, February 14, 2009

Makes one appreciate love.

On this Valentine’s Day, I reflected on how much love my dear Jeanne gave me. Particularly in the last three years of her life. While she was dying of Alzheimer’s. Jeanne was so nice. So responsive. The dementia never took away her inner spirit. We were still able to communicate. Our love. It was a two-way love. Right up to the end. Actually, even today, two years since Jeanne died. Jeanne went through a period of agitation. And belligerence. But we never lost faith in each other. Jeanne got better after she went into the nursing home. Maybe I had something to do with it. I got daily respite. Oh, I still spent 8-10 hours a day with Jeanne. Didn’t miss a day in 38 months. But I was rested for a change. I kept my cool. Didn’t really lose it with Jeanne. Except on the day she died. Then I broke down. But Jeanne calmed me. From the spirit world. Really, she comforted me virtually every day as her life wound down in the nursing home. Because she was sweet Jeanne again. No, not cured. But some how, she battled through the dementia. And smiled. And relaxed. And recognized that I still loved her. And she was returning the love. Oh, in so many ways. With looks of contentment. We exchanged good vibes. With our eyes. With touch. With presence. With thought. So many, many ways to communicate love. Amazing thing about Alzheimer’s. One can still salvage and savor little pieces of love. Makes one appreciate love more than ever. –Jim Broede

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